As I look back at the all the amazing experiences I have been blessed with the past 6 months on my mission, one in particular comes to mind. It all came from one night after a dinner with a family from the local ward (a ward is a congregation in the church). As we finished up dinner we were asked by the family's father if we wouldn't mind stopping by a man who was going through a sudden illness that was taking over his life. Of course, we told him we didn't mind so we were on our way! After knocking on the door we heard a voice tell us to come in. We pushed open the door and walked in. The man told us to sit down. His eyes were weary and his body would shake occasionally. The man was visibly ill. Though he struggled to even stand, when we talked to him he would crack a few jokes and we would all laugh together. Although we were there to offer our service and make sure he was okay, I felt like we came out of the visit more edified and strengthened then he (it's funny how often that happens as a missionary). He told us how going through a hard time is like climbing a big mountain. Your vision might not allow you to see very far and you might be very tired from the length you have already traveled. Here are a few of the profound words he said regarding trials:

"It may be steep... and it is!
It may be long... and it is!
But there is a top to the mountain!"
There is always a top to the mountain. We all struggle with our own set of trials no matter how big or small. Let's get real for a second, the things that might not matter for others around us might be the biggest mountain we have. Whatever it may be, though, keep going and keep climbing. There is a top to the mountain.
I hope that those words retain at least a fraction of the power that they carried the first time they were told to my companion and I.