Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Mysterious Ways

This week I was taught the lesson that the Lord works in mysterious ways. My companion, Elder Firmage, and I had another miracle moment. The missionary work here in Lumberton has been going fantastic lately but we have had a lot of appointments fall through last minute. That was the same story as always last Tuesday. We were excited to go back and meet with an amazing family that we had been talking to with a member of our ward. We got an oh so familiar phone call that our meet would be cancelled. Our ride picked us up later that day. So instead of visiting the family we had planned on, we decided to go talk to a lady named Deborah that a friend of ours told us we should go visit.

After knocking on the door a lady in her 40's dressed in scrubs answered the door. We asked her if she was the Deborah we were looking for. She then told us that her name was Robin and that Deborah was inside on the chair but that she was Debora's care taker. Just like at the beginning of any lesson, we began with a word of prayer. We began speaking to Deborah asking about her faith and how it has helped her. She, being an older lady, answered our questions politely and simply but didn't really seem to be getting a whole lot out of the words we were saying. Soon, the spirit directed my companion and I to the other side of the room. There sat Robin the caretaker, listening intently to the conversation. After asking one question that was directed to her she just completely opened up. She told us of many struggles that she has been going through and that she knows that God is exactly what she needs right now in her life. With tears in her eyes, her words obviously indicated that she was feeling the spirit.

It intrigues me how often instances like that happen on my mission. Here was Elder Firmage and I expecting to teach a family, plans changed to seeing Deborah, then lastly the Lord put Robin, her caretaker, into our path. There is no doubt in my mind that it was not a mistake. A lot of miracles in this life come from unexpected instances.

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