Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Black Out

Not too long ago, in a tornado warning, I had a realization that changed my outlook on our world we live in today.

Like I have mentioned a time or two before, I was born and raised in Idaho. With that being said, I have never really been exposed to severe weather (like here in North Carolina). About a month or so ago, my companion and I were in the library on the computers on Facebook. Others were on the computers around us doing anything from looking up the next viral video to playing a game on their computer. It was a typical scene at the library. What happened next is what made me take a step back.

The library was silent (as they tend to be) except for the hum of the heating vents and the occasional mouse clicks. Outside the clouds started to overshadow the library but nobody, myself included, cared to notice. All of the sudden, after the lights flickered for a few moments, the hum of the heater and occasional mouse clicks stopped simultaneously. The room was now in darkness except for the little light that shined through the windows. The librarian informed us we were now in a tornado warning. I won't ever forget the faces of those around me in that exact second after the black out. Some emotions they wore were confusion, sadness, and some of them even anger. If I could sum the feeling that they all might have had in one word, it is emptiness. Granted, many of them a few moments later were just fine but their initial reaction to their screens turning black alarmed me.

Are we really that sucked into our own little worlds? Are we really that reliant on our devices that we use?

In the story none of us in the library had any clue that we were going to be in the possible danger of a tornado in the next few minutes. I think many of us are lost to some extent, looking for something that satisfies us. 

I realized then that there are many things in missionary work that I have noticed that are similar to the story. People are out there who are lost in their lives. They might seem content on the outside but there is something missing on the inside. Looking for those things that will fill the hole in their heart temporarily. There is nothing more in the world that I want than to help others find true happiness, mostly because I know what it feels like to be lost. I also know what it feels like to be loved and guided as well. I love being a missionary and am grateful for the many opportunities we have to serve and love our friends around us

1 comment:

  1. This may be my favorite so far. We are far too reliant on our devices for what we think is happiness. I am always impressed with how well you express yourself. You have told us what your ambitions are in regard to a career but never stop writing, even if it just for yourself.
